Web Application Viewer


The Web Application Viewer for Renewable Energy Atlas is a powerful tool based on geographic information systems that allows to provide accurate, targeted, timely and statistical information on renewable energy resources, including resources potential, project identification and also relevant information about the electric system: lines, substations, existent power plants, etc.


Accurate information on the existing renewable resources is vital for strategic planning and development of energy sector around the World.

The non-availability of information regarding renewable energy resources information creates a major constraint for investors and project developers in the energy sector. Usually, the existing data is dispersed, in most cases not easily accessible and not updated (ex. different systems, resource maps, existent of various models and data sources, etc).

Given this situation, significant opportunities are lost for sustainable energy development.


In Angola, Gesto developed for the Ministry of Energy and Water, the Web Application Viewer for Renewable Energy Atlas, with the goal to support Angola Energy Strategy until 2025.


In Mozambique, Gesto developed for the Mozambique Energy Fund – FUNAE, the Web Application Viewer for Renewable Energy Atlas, with the goal to present the Renewable Energy Atlas of Mozambique and support developers seeking for investment opportunities in renewables in Mozambique.
